Please click on the links below for answers to your questions.

What is Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (BIT)?
What Does BIT do?
What is BIT for?
Who is BIT for?
How long does the program take?
What happens during the sessions?
What do I have to bring to my BIT sessions?
What kind of results should I expect with BIT?
How quickly will I see results?
What kind of research do you have behind BIT?
Where can I get more information about BIT?
How do I schedule BIT sessions?

What is Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (BIT)?

The Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (BIT) is a cutting-edge therapeutic model based on principles of Applied Physiology, acupressure and energetic healing that assesses and mitigates learning difficulties in both children and adults. BIT specifically relieves stress as it affects aptitude, resilience and performance.

The Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique was developed in 1988 in Melbourne, Australia and brought to Boulder, Colorado by Susan McCrossin ten years later.

Tapping into your body in order to optimize function in any area, this natural, drug-free method helps you, or someone you love, reach your full potential. You’ll experience:
  • Improved creativity
  • Greater learning ability
  • A renewed outlook on life and your attitude toward it
  • Better physical coordination
  • More loving relationships with family and friends.
BIT is completely non-invasive, and is suitable for people of all ages. In fact, most of our clients report that BIT is a very soothing and relaxing experience!

Please read Effect of the Brain Integration Technique (BIT) on Cortical Activity, Auditory Short-term Memory Performance and Reading Comprehension for a detailed research study conducted by Susan J McCrossin, AP, the developer of Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique. [back to top]

What does BIT do?

The human brain performs extremely complicated electromagnetic functions and, like any other organ, shows symptoms of stress. Under stress, the brain’s blood supply is redirected for ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ in the body, and the logic center or creative center simply shuts down. With the shutdown, the synchronization of brain function is lost and we just cannot ‘think’ clearly. Then we blame ourselves for not trying harder, or worse, not being intelligent enough, when the true culprit is stress. All too often we learn to ‘switch off’ when we could be welcoming new experiences.

The BIT program can help children and adults to repattern brain activity around such difficulties and use more of their potential. [back to top]

What is BIT for?

This method helps all kinds of learning difficulties such as attention deficit disorder (ADD) both with and without hyperactivity, sensory integration, dyslexia, poor coordination, concussion, autism and nervous breakdowns. It enhances learning abilities and improves reading, comprehension, spelling and coordination for children as well as for adults. [back to top]

Who is BIT for?

Children and adults with learning difficulties will often display the following characteristics, among others:
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • No sense of time
  • Poor reading comprehension (despite being a fast or fluent reader)
  • Attention and focus cannot be held for long
  • Difficulty spelling (putting letters together until it 'sounds' like the word)
  • Difficulty with mathematics (concepts as well as times tables)
  • Tendency to be impulsive
  • Not understanding consequences or relation between cause and effect
  • Difficulty budgeting time (thus projects are often left incomplete)
You cannot be too old or too young to benefit from BIT. The Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique is helpful for people of almost any age.

When working with preschool-aged children, sometimes we cannot assess (and therefore correct) certain functions because your child may not have reached a particular developmental milestone in their life yet. In this case, we implement a preliminary integration and recommend that you bring your child back within six months to a year or more (depending on the situation) when their development allows for treatment of the remaining areas. [back to top]

How long does the program take?

The program takes approximately eight to twelve hours, an estimate based on the median time for treatment. The length of each person’s program varies because of individual needs. Some people with only one or two areas of deficit may take just six hours to complete the whole program, whereas others with many areas of deficit need more time. [back to top]

What happens during the sessions?

The first session of the program includes an initial assessment that serves as a benchmark against which to evaluate future changes. During this session, we assess the electromagnetic activity in the brain using muscle monitoring and acupressure. This technique reveals the specific brain areas that need the most attention. At the end of the assessment, we can tell you the probable length of the program required in your individual case. This session takes one hour.

Subsequent sessions involve correcting the specific brain areas that showed in the assessment. The correction technique involves very light touch on specific acupressure points to re-establish electromagnetic integrity within the brain. Thus brain functioning is improved, specifically in learning ability, creativity, and physical co-ordination. This is done by pinpointing stress in the brain that affects learning, and relieving these individual stress patterns.

The client may also come in for a 6-8 week post-integration follow-up. This session usually lasts an hour. [back to top]

What do I have to bring to my BIT sessions?

We recommend that you are well-fed and well-hydrated before you arrive for your session. Please bring water and snacks if you’re receiving long or multiple sessions in one day.

When your child is receiving treatment, he/she may play with toys (with no batteries or electricity), read (or be read to), or listen to music during their sessions. [back to top]

What kind of results should I expect with BIT?

We consistently improve learning ability of the individuals we treat. They are able to read with high comprehension, learn and retain spelling words, understand mathematical concepts, become physically coordinated and modulate their emotional responses. Often, medications are not needed after treatment in the majority of cases. However, while we give our clients the ability to learn, the amount of improvement is still dependent on them participating in school. If there is organic brain damage, there is still some improvement but it will be limited depending on the location of the damage. However, even those that were suspected to have damage (i.e. Autistic tendencies), if treated early enough (pre-puberty), often improve significantly enough that the suspected damage is no longer evident.

In a nutshell, we enable the brain to learn within any limitations posed by organic brain damage. However, we do not make the brain learn. That takes studying and perseverance on the part of the client! [back to top]

How quickly will I see results?

Every individual is different. Some people feel different during the treatment, and some do not feel anything until after the integration is entirely complete. The time frame can range from a few days to a few months. We enable the brain to learn. We cannot make the person learn. Therefore, external variables like family and school dynamics can affect when and how the integration takes hold. It is often the people around the integrated person who notice the changes first! [back to top]

What kind of research do you have behind BIT?

Susan McCrossin wrote several research papers from her research at the University in Melbourne which involved very sophisticated EEG studies of the brain. We also have extensive clinical experience seeing profound results with many thousands of cases since 1989. Please visit our Research page. [back to top]

Breaking the Language Barrier

Where can I get more information about BIT?

Susan published a book, Breaking the Learning Barrier: Eradicating ADD, ADHD and Dyslexia, which describes the treatment, her research, and includes many testimonials. A copy of the book may be purchased from aBitBetterBrain. Please also read our Articles and Research. [back to top]

How do I schedule BIT sessions?

Please call Kim at 2O6.55O.7837 to schedule your sessions. They can be divided over several weeks, or, for people travelling to us out of town, finished over the course of two or three days. aBitBetterBrain is located at Wellbeing Center for Health [website] (211 West Hill Street, Monroe, WA 98272). [back to top]