Kim Kobayashi |
What I didn’t realize is that millions of people struggle with learning difficulties. Reading is not easy, not fun. Learning is hard. Math is elusive. I set out to help a friend teach her daughter, and ended up tutoring children with dyslexia for four years. My compassion for their struggle, and my desire to help, drove me to research what is known about dyslexia and other learning issues. This is when I discovered Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (BIT). I read Susan McCrossin’s research, explanation and documented results, and felt like I had found the missing link! I was determined to be part of the solution. If people’s brains could be restored to a state of learning normally, then that is where my energy should be spent.
My conviction is still the same, but with one addition: “If you start with an integrated brain, you will learn math. You will learn to read. You will love to learn, and you WILL BE ABLE to do anything in life that you set your mind to.”
Please contact me at kim[at] or (2O6) 55O-7837. I would love to learn about your unique situation, and let's explore together if BIT can change your life!
Kim Kobayashi
Certified Crossinology® BIT Practitioner